557 Salmon Brook Street Granby CT 06035
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Grass Helper update for Aquarion users
April 9,2021: Important irrigation scheduling update for Aquarion users in Simsbury, Granby and East Granby
Effective immediately irrigation scheduling for automatic and manual sprinkler systems will be limited to two times per week. Even addresses can water Sundays and Wednesdays, odd addresses can water Saturdays and Tuesdays. This is a permanent policy.
Exemptions: drip (subsurface) irrigation, hand watering.
Waivers: There are three types of exemptions.
New Planting Variance – Available for the spring and fall planting seasons. Simply apply online on Aquarion website.
Large Property Variance – Available to customers whose property is 2-acres or more and requires more irrigation than the mandatory schedule allows. Requires system evaluation by Aquarion agent.
High-Efficiency Variance – Available to customers whose systems include an approved U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense® Weather-based controller running a schedule based on weather/site conditions in the weather-based function. Requires system evaluation by Aquarion agent.
You can apply for waivers by going to https://www.aquarionwater.com/conservation/irrigation/ct-irrigation-variance-programs
We at Grass Helper advocate for smart watering in order to conserve water. We have been strongly recommending the installation of Hunter Hydrawise controllers, which meet the criteria for a high-efficiency variance. The installation of other brands of controllers may interfere with our ability to service your system. Installing a Hydrawise controller is the first step to improving the results of your landscape health.
During spring inspections, we will be conducting a rough evaluation of your system for receiving a High-efficiency variance. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE WITH REGUARD TO GETTING A VARIENCE. We are currently working on a plan to expedite variance requests. Receiving a four year variance will likely require a comprehensive inspection by a licensed irrigation contractor, such as Grass Helper and an additional visit by both the contractor and a third party auditor.
We understand that this policy is something that we will all have to get used to. There are a lot of moving pieces and it will likely take us the entire season to work through it. In the short term, we will be making adjustments to your system to get the most out of it. Research indicates that 2 day a week watering can work. Please adhere to the policy.
Ken McCartney, President
Grass Helper Lawn Care Inc